2023 Budget Spending Fiasco Reveals Underlying Problems that Must Be Fixed for Louisiana to Prosper

The Louisiana Legislature concluded an unprecedented legislative session in June, which pitted the governor, legislative leaders, and some state lawmakers against fiscal conservatives, Swampwatchers, and other reformers in an epic budget battle that will be remembered around the State Capitol for a long time—and not for the good it did.

In the end, limited government, fiscal responsibility, and taxpayers all lost big time. While Republicans hold a two-thirds supermajority in both the House and Senate, the $51 billion budget-busting spending spree they approved in the last 30 minutes of the 60-day session made the majority of Louisiana lawmakers look more like a bunch of big-spending Washington fat cats than a powerful group of fiscal conservatives in a ruby red Southern state. 

The whole fiasco should serve as a wake-up call for citizens and business leaders to actively engage in the upcoming elections and help elect the right kind of leaders who will shape our state’s future. 

Over the next few weeks, Swampwatch will publish a series of articles highlighting some of the biggest takeaways from the fiscal fiasco and provide a road map for what voters can do to help prevent similar showdowns (read shakedowns) in the future. Stay tuned for more.


Lessons from the 2023 Budget Fiasco— Blind budgeting doesn’t work


LA Education Swamp Leaders Move to Water Down High School Graduation Requirements